Navigating Personal Change: A Mini-Lesson and Toolkit

Navigating change with Cynder NiemelaPersonal Change Is Constant. It is part of life and it’s inevitable:

We are always evolving and changing, as is the world we live in.  Because personal change involves an element of loss, the degree and frequency of change we experience can be stressful and strain our sense of self-worth and resiliency.

Understanding how we respond to change can help us lead ourselves and others through disruptive change more successfully. This is the purpose of our mini-training on moving through change.

A common thread throughout this first set of interviews is change and transition.

In episode 2, Lion Goodman talked about his near-death experience and how this external event inspired him to look at his beliefs and world view which ultimately led to him helping others shift and transform.

In episodes, 6,7, 8, and 23 Simon Kozlowski, Steven Huang, Katie Hill, and Taylan Yildiz discussed their personal and professional journeys which led them to make changes and shifts in mindset for more fulfilling careers and lives.

In episodes 22, 25 and 26, Karsten Drath, Jodi Coochise, and Rob Fazio discussed resilient leadership, navigating loss and grief, growth mindset, and mental toughness as skills we can learn to build resilience and thrive.



This mini-training on Personal Change will be of benefit if you:

  • Have recently experienced a change in your personal life 
  • Have undergone a change in your role or your organization has made a change that impacts your role
  • Are experiencing changes outside your control (e.g., changes in your industry, new competitors, regulations or tariffs)
  • Want to be prepared for future, unexpected disruptions in life and/or career

During this 10-minute mini-training on Navigating through Change, I will take you through two models of change, distinguish change and transition, and present a tool for reflecting on how you’ve navigated through change. You’ll find handouts for ways of cultivating resilience along with the instructions for the Life Mapping exercise below. 

Listen to this mini-training on personal change by clicking on the green arrow below:

Or download and subscribe to Inspired Wisdom on Itunes, Podbean, Google Play, Stitcher 

Cynder Niemela hosts the inspired wisdom podcast on itunes

Cynder Niemela hosts the inspired wisdom podcast on Google Play

Inspired Wisdom Podcast is available to download on Podbean




Bio and Links

To download the two handouts for this exercise, click on the titles in 1 and 2 below:

  1. Cultivating Resilience
  2. The Life Mapping Exercise


Cynder Niemela is an award-winning author and globally recognized expert in leading, developing and coaching global teams. As noted in Fortune Magazine, Cynder’s skills and expertise have inspired executives to achieve both team and individual goals.

Cynder brings more than 20 years of experience coaching global executives, teams, and organizations with a focus on high-growth, fast-paced industries. Drawing on her commitment, respect, and passion for our natural and human resources, Cynder specializes in working with global leaders and geographically dispersed teams on innovative and sustainable initiatives that serve the highest potential of the individual, the organization and our natural resources.

As an executive and team coach and OD consultant with Ernst & Young, Fortune Magazine recognized Cynder in 2000 as a pioneer in executive and team coaching. In this role, Cynder designed and implemented enterprise-wide culture and change initiatives with global leaders and geographically dispersed teams.

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