Helping Others Navigate Change: A Mini-Lesson and Toolkit

Insights and Tips for Leading Others Through Change:

In this episode of Inspired Wisdom, we are talking about disruptive change. Specifically, we are talking about how leaders help others navigate through change. The Covid-19 pandemic is an ongoing example of how our lives and the world at large are changing very dramatically. That is, very suddenly and with little warning, we have to change how we live our lives on a daily basis. At times it feels surreal.


In episodes 22, 25 and 26, Karsten Drath, Jodi Coochise, and Rob Fazio discussed resilient leadership, navigating loss and grief, growth mindset, and mental toughness as skills we can learn to build resilience and thrive.


In Episode 24, Gregg Levoy, author of Callings and Vital Signs, discussed his own personal experience with change. He recommends William Bridges’ book titled Transitions. When talking about the process of change, Gregg points out that people often want to jump from the Ending phase to their New Beginnings. That is, people tend to want to skip the neutral phase which is about “not-knowing.” 

In Episode 27, we talked about navigating personal change and we provided resources to deepen self-awareness for how you respond to change. Understanding how we respond to change can help us lead ourselves and others through disruptive change more successfully. 


This mini-training on Helping Others Navigate Change will be of benefit if you: 

  • Have undergone a change in your role or your organization has made a change that impacts your team
  • Are experiencing changes outside your control (e.g., changes in your industry, new competitors, regulations or tariffs)
  • Need a playbook for engaging and aligning your team on co-creating opportunities 
  • Want a roadmap to navigate your team through current and future disruptions with better results


During this 20-minute mini-training on Helping Others Navigate Change, I will take you through two models of change, distinguish change and transition, and present a tool for reflecting on how you’ve navigated through change.

You will find handouts for change and transition, cultivating team resilience, tips for helping others navigate change along with the instructions for a reflection activity below. 

Listen to this mini-training on Leading Change by clicking on the green arrow below:


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Toolkit for Download

Please click on the titles below to download the handouts:

  1. Change and Transition Illustration
  2. Developing Team Resilience
  3. Tips for Helping Others Navigate Change
  4. Leader Reflections Activity

Inspired Wisdom for LeadersAbout Inspired Wisdom

If you are a new or aspiring leader, entrepreneur, or business owner, then you will discover those things that energize you, learn from others who have walked your path, and gain a framework to focus on the things that you most want to accomplish. 

Build on Your Potential. Be Great.

Cynder Niemela and Charlotte Guilmenot are the co-hosts of Inspired Wisdom.

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