High Impact Teams

Team QuickCheck; how well does your team function on Inspired WisdomTeam QuickCheck™

How well does your team function?

High performing teams have characteristics in common. In fact, there are 20 key areas both internal and external to the team that reflects a team’s level of functioning.  


High Impact Teams demonstrate high scores in each of these areas. Although the process by which they achieve high levels of team functioning is unique for each team.

A team that intentionally aligns with each of the areas and creates agreement in the early stages of development is investing in its long-term success.

You can use the Team QuickCheck™ assessment to determine how well you think your team is functioning.  By completing the assessment, you’ll get a sense of the team’s areas of strengths, as well as target areas for improvement.

Download Your Free Team Assessment

Please provide your email to access your Team QuickCheck™

Get The Team’s Feedback

To gain additional insight and corroboration about the team’s level of functioning, ask team members to complete the assessment tool.  This way you’ll be able to determine where people are in agreement or not and work to create team development actions. To ensure their responses are candid, it’s important that data collection is anonymous.  

For coaching on how to best introduce the assessment and use the data collected from your team, apply for a 30-minute coaching session.  The first 10 people to apply will receive a team coaching session for free.

To apply for a coaching session with Cynder Niemela, please click here

Recognized by Fortune Magazine as an expert in consulting with leaders and teams through transformation, Cynder Niemela works collaboratively to leverage the potential of an organization’s people, brand, culture, and vision to inspire and align their business and talent strategies for continuous improvement and sustainable results.

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