Simon Kozlowski: Unapologetically Obsessed with Unlocking Legacy

Inspired Wisdom Podcast guest Simon KozlowskiSimon Kozlowski is unapologetically obsessed with unlocking legacy.

He is a dynamic coach who has equipped and empowered hundreds of entrepreneurs, leaders, and managers to achieve outstanding results in both their professional and personal lives.


Professionally, Simon wears a few hats:

He is the lead facilitator for Business Model Innovation & Digital Transformation at KNect365’s Innovation Academy, based in London, where he trains corporate executives and government leaders on how to structure their internal innovation practices and develop new business and revenue models. 

Simon is also the founder of ThirtySeven Innovation, a Smart City strategy consultancy that partners with local governments to make cities more livable, resilient and better able to respond to challenges. 

He finds his greatest joy and fulfillment, however, as The Reinvention Coach – partnering with entrepreneurial mavericks and outliers who want to make a dent in the Universe and develop vibrant businesses that disrupt the status quo and redefine their industry.

In all of his work, Simon is celebrated by his colleagues and clients for unlocking fresh perspective and transformed thinking, which is essential in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

Simon lives on the sunny east coast of South Africa with his beautiful wife, Niki, and their three children.  Simon and Niki dream of owning their own wine farm someday, but until then they’re quite content to savor the offerings of little-known estates from around the world.

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