On Mastering Your Influence Potential with Karen Keller

Karen Keller discusses mastering influence with podcast host Cynder NiemelaKaren Keller is the author of Amazon’s #1 bestseller Influence: What’s the Missing Piece.

“The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority.” ― Ken Blanchard

Who is the most influential person who has inspired you? How did they influence you? Was it their character or did they do something that influenced you to take action?

To start, Karen draws a distinction between “doing” things to influence and “being” influential. For instance, being influential is who you are. It’s a “higher order” of influence and, therefore, leads to long-term results.  

Karen discusses how personal tragedy led to her researching the topic of Influence. Her 20 years of research and client work led to her creating the Keller Influence Indicator® (KII®). Furthermore, the KII® is a scientifically validated and reliable method for the testing, analysis, and evaluation of a person’s influence potential.

Most noteworthy, it is the ONLY tool in the world that measures an individual’s potential to be influential.


This Episode Is for You If You

  • find your level of passion and commitment waxes and wanes like the phases of the moon
  • strive to reach peak performance but find the effort is taking a toll
  • are confident in some situations but come across as less confident in others
  • receive feedback that you aren’t consistently trustworthy or likable
  • want to enhance your executive presence and ability to influence others

During the interview, Karen will address these questions and discuss the Seven Influence Traits®. These seven traits are the factors that comprise one’s ability to be influential.


Listen to Karen’s Interview Here


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Karen Keller, Ph.D., Bio

Dr. Karen Keller, founder, and CEO of the Keller Influence Institute™ is the leading expert on influence. She is the author of Amazon’s #1 Best Seller Influence: What’s the Missing Piece? Karen also works with clients from start-ups to Fortune 500s to increase their Influence Potential.

Over 20 years of research and client work led to the creation of the Keller Influence Indicator® (KII®). The KII® is a scientifically validated and reliable method for the testing, analysis, and evaluation of a person’s influence potential. The KII™ referred to as the “Fitbit® of Influence,” is, in fact, the ONLY tool in the world that measures an individual’s potential to be influential. Currently, 93 countries and 43 industries are represented in the KII® database.

Contact Karen

Dr. Keller facilitates workshops, provides keynotes, and works privately with clients. In addition, Karen trains coaches who utilize the KII® Assessment and programs. 

Inspired Wisdom

Cynder Niemela, MA, MBA is an award-winning author and internationally recognized expert in executive coaching and developing global teams. As an American growing up in the Middle East and Europe, Cynder leverages her international experience as one of a few women permitted to work in Saudi Arabia. First, as a marine biologist, then followed by years of developing leaders and teams for global organizations in the US and abroad.  Mission: Interview 100 people from 100 countries who are working with heart and mind for positive social impact.  

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