Cynder Niemela Shares her Journey and Inspiration for the Podcast

Cynder Niemela hosts the Inspired Wisdom podcastHi – I’m Cynder Niemela, Director, and Host of the Inspired Wisdom Podcast. 

In 2016, after 25 years working for global organizations, I left my corporate leadership role. 

I started looking around wondering what was next for me. When I made a list of all the things I love to do, creating beautiful things, travel, being in nature and meeting new people rose to the top.

I became intrigued with the idea of talking to new people and sharing these inspiring conversations with others who may find them of value as they look at their life’s choices. One thing led to another and the Inspired Wisdom Podcast was born.


From Executive to Podcast Host: The Road Less Traveled

As I reflected on my journey from college to my first “real job” for Saudi Aramco, I owed a lot of my early successes to my supportive family and great mentors. In this episode, I talk about my early ambitions and successes that soon turned into challenges that changed the course of my life in ways I could not have anticipated.

I was ambitious. I aspired to be a leader and was willing to study and work hard to be the very best leader I could be.  Early on, I learned a lot the hard way by trial and error. My leadership journey is very similar to the journey that aspiring and more seasoned leaders I’ve coached and mentored travel. And, over the years I’ve met so many great leaders who have traveled our path. 

Our purpose is to provide a blueprint and resources for you to build on your potential and be great. While I never considered being a host before, podcasting seems like a perfect vehicle to share our collective wisdom, reach those who are looking for inspiration and support you on your leadership journey. 

What the Inspired Wisdom Podcast Is All About

If you are an aspiring leader or transitioning into an expanded role, or you are transitioning out of a corporate job into your own business and you struggle with

  • networking and business development
  • taking on too much and then feeling overwhelmed
  • being in a role where you don’t feel heard or supported and are pushing too hard
  • you feel like you’re  losing your focus and confidence

 … then you’ve come to the right place.  

At Inspired Wisdom, you will discover those things that energize you, learn from others who have walked your path, and gain a framework to focus on the things that you most want to accomplish.

You will start regaining your self-confidence — a confidence that comes from a strong sense of purpose and mission, you’ll discover you’re having an easier time managing the demands of your leadership role, and you’ll thrive.

Highlights from Cynder’s story 

Topic [minutes:seconds]

  • Cynder’s first challenge – surviving polio [01:00]
  • Growing up in Saudi Arabia [03:00]
  • A female working in Saudi Arabia [04:39]
  • Completing an MBA; VP, Marketing, first female executive [05:45]
  • Impact of harassment on confidence and personal life [08:40] 
  • Starting over in California; MA in Psychology
  • Blueprint for an inspired life: sometimes we need inspiration and someone to show us how to get back on our path [10:00]
  • Cynder details the importance of surrounding yourself with quality people who inspire rather than drain when in the limelight … and how to tell them apart.

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